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Northern Daisy | Meet Lindsay Ashcraft

Northern Daisy | Meet Lindsay Ashcraft






-Northern Daisy Manifesto

Have you ever looked at a daisy? I mean really seen it for all its complexities. Stark white petals pop out from the honey colored center, made up of endless yellow flowers radiating symmetrically from the center. As I sit down with Lindsay Ashcraft of Northern Daisy, I picture this flower that appears simple from a distance but blooms with intricacy up close.

I have been wanting to feature Lindsay since I started this blog — in fact, Blush and Avocados simply wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for her. She was the first person I reached out to when making the transition from magazine page to screen, and provided priceless advice to make this goal a reality.

On an unusually cool summer afternoon in Northern California, we settle onto a park bench. The comforting sounds of a public place in the midst of a global pandemic settle around us, as we sip iced matcha tea lattes with oat milk. We muse about how refreshing it is to be outside.


Lindsay and I met many years ago through some obscure connection of theater, my sister and their highschool drama class. It wasn’t until 2016 when I started working at a local social media agency that she became more than just a familiar face. Lindsay had been an Account Executive there for 2 years by the time I pushed open the heavy doors revealing a converted ballroom office. However, social media marketing wasn’t always what she envisioned for her lifelong career.

I majored in Communication Design at Chico State, but originally wanted to go to school for theatre. When I told my parents, my dad was like ‘Hmmmm. Why don’t you get your general ed and see if you still feel like that.’ I was applying to performing arts schools in New York but I probably would have lived in a box.

Like many new grads, it took some time for Lindsay to figure out which direction she wanted to take in her higher education. “As a Gemini being all over the place,” Communication Design was a little bit of everything she loved – journalism, film and social media. She joined Instagram back in 2013, when there were only a few filters and editing options. Valencia, anyone? This newfound creative outlet led to an internship with Sweet Cottage in Chico, CA where she was the social media manager and helped promote their tasty teas, pies, cookies and more.


After I graduated, I wanted to travel and didn’t want to be working full time yet. So I started doing e-commerce and some social media at For Elyse but it wasn’t enough. Eventually, I found Social High Rise and I was happy there. It was a great learning experience.

Lindsay dove energetically into her job at the startup, throwing massive amounts of heart into new projects and training newcomers. On my first day, I remember watching Lindsay whose desk was directly behind mine schedule engaging social media posts with ease. She was wearing a flower patterned dress that bloomed with confidence and I couldn’t wait to adorn my desk with similar quirky tchotchkes. I noticed right away that she was often the first to volunteer for new projects and seemed to have her hands in a variety of things happening within the organization. However, that self-described “workaholic” personality came at a cost. 

A coworker asked me one day, ‘What are your hobbies?’ I literally had to pause because I really didn’t know! I was so active in things in college but as soon as I took my job, I just dove into that. But I didn’t have a life or any other interests or outlets. I thought to myself, ‘Okay this is a problem.’ So I started a blog.

Knowing that she wanted to make travel a priority, Northern Daisy became a space that held Lindsay accountable. Blogging provided the perfect platform to share the experiences that filled her cup. Through descriptive language that takes you right into the scene being described, and images so vivid you can almost smell what you’re seeing, Lindsay’s blog kept her intentional.


Millennial pink, beautifully curated flat lays, Monstera leaves, and vibrant travel photography are some of the many elements that are authentically Northern Daisy, or by association, Lindsay. Her blog posts range from international travel guides to digital marketing hacks to product reviews, with plenty of magic sprinkled in between. Lindsay “loves working with like-minded brands to develop creative content and exceed expectations through sponsored posts, lifestyle and product photography, and guest blog writing.” She has worked with many widely recognized brands like Sephora, Godiva, Parachute Home, Victoria’s Secret and more. 

Lindsay’s instinctive sense for merging color and copy are what influencer dreams are made of. Gorgeous visuals aside, these blog posts are overflowing with delicious language that transports you into each topic - whether it be to funky Bourbon street in New Orleans and dreamy Copenhagen, or to making a mood-boosting Rose Matcha Latte.  

From traffic on her blog and Instagram, brands started reaching out to Lindsay in hopes that she could help represent their business online. When the realization hit her that one freelance client could pay more than an entire paycheck at her full-time job, she knew it was time to make the leap. She went freelance in 2018 and enjoyed the freedom that came with not being glued to a desk.

Isn’t it strange how life often presents us with opportunities when we least expect them? One day when she was scrolling her Instagram feed, Lindsay saw an ad from Later, the #1 visual marketing platform for social media scheduling. They had an open position for a Social Media Coordinator and not thinking too hard about it, she applied for the job. Two weeks later, Lindsay received an email and they scheduled a phone interview. The rest is history! 

It's insane the amount I’ve learned working with such experts. I can edit video and do audio things now because I have been forced to figure it out under deadline. There has been massive growth and I feel super lucky because it’s been such a great opportunity. I’m finding my rhythm!


Working with a global team has its perks — when new tools or trends hit the feeds, Later is one of the first on the scene. With Graphic Designers in Spain and Content Specialists in the UK, Later has the unique agility to create how-to guides or feature topic releases before America is even crawling out of bed. 

When I asked Lindsay what advice she would give for women who are trying to stand out in a competitive workplace, or those interested in starting a blog, she offered advice that came from experiencing a bit of the opposite.

You are the only person who knows how to create the business you want. I spent so much time looking outside myself, and was very busy and making money, but I became really unhappy. So, I quit projects and fired 3 clients. One of the most important things is making sure to surround yourself with people who support you. It’s always a work in progress and I think I have been lucky to know who I want to be in this space. I check myself in the moments where I feel small. All we can do is show up and support women who are trying to do the same thing.

Like many women who have felt small in the workplace, Lindsay feels it’s her personal mission to make women feel empowered. Everyone craves a safe space and she wants to be that for the ladies in her life. At work, she is purposeful about pumping up co-workers and being open to receiving feedback. Having the belief that there is enough space for everyone to succeed in the room helps deescalate the constant need to compete that exists in many organizations.

I had a boss once give me feedback to be like another employee. At that moment, I had to stop him and advocate for myself. I am not her. I am me. I will never have the same strengths as her. I don't need that projected on me. I’m over here with these strengths that you’re not acknowledging. Women receive such subtle digs that it can be so hard to call them out. It’s a constant journey.

I sit with this for a moment, nodding in understanding. Lindsay saying this out loud brought me to the realization that this is one of the sole purposes of Blush and Avocados — highlighting women who are making waves; whether they be small swirling tide pools filled with life, or breaking surfable swells. It feels powerful. Right. 

So, what’s next for Northern Daisy? Lindsay is in a new transition where she’s beginning to phase out Northern Daisy and is working on a new website. She’s focusing on building her personal brand, “and what the heck does that look like in 2020?” With so much change happening from the global to community level, Lindsay wants to share a more personal perspective on her channels. A piece of that intricate puzzle is coming to life in the form of prints, calligraphy and design. If her prints look anything like her Instagram feed or blog photos, I will proudly be purchasing some to add a little extra happy on the shelves of my space. 

As we finish our teas and part ways, I can’t help but picture a bundle of pink balloons flying behind Lindsay. Even if Northern Daisy takes a backseat, what better to replace it with than Lindsay herself? I can’t wait to see what’s next.

Follow along with Lindsay on Instagram and on her blog.

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