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Heirloom Heaven | Meet Ashley DeKellis

Heirloom Heaven | Meet Ashley DeKellis

Heirloom. Noun.
Definition: something of special value handed down from one generation to another

Walking through the sunny door of this fresh space, one thing is certain. Whoever lives here has taste and not just style, but eclectic excellence that people pay thousands hoping to replicate. Meet Ashley DeKellis, owner of the Heirloom Fox House. Not only a home to her and her son, this space also serves as a chic retreat for Airbnb guests seeking a memorable overnight experience in Chico, CA.

Photo Credit: Shannon Rosan

Photo Credit: Shannon Rosan

As we sit down together with iced tea in pink plastic cups, Ashley tells me,

“I always loved my grandma’s items and thought I would maybe sell vintage things or have an online store. I needed to think of a name that was vague and could represent a lot of different things in the future. I wanted it to be filled with really special items, so I thought of the word Heirloom. But it needed something else and I love the sound of the X in the word Fox. I bought the domain name [Heirloom Fox] and got a Squarespace site…but it was nothing for a year.”

It’s hard to imagine that a space now so recognizable could have started out as nothing more than a domain. But Ashley has a knack for making something magical out of modest beginnings.

The Heirloom Fox House, now used for widely recognized brand photo shoots, events and even a backdrop for wedding photos wasn’t always a home that could compete with Anthropologie’s famous styled displays. Nope. This is all Ashley. Her passion for design is prevalent from the tiled steps leading to the entry, to the hand painted modern art in the living room, all the way through to the multifunctional den/lounge/game room at the back of the house.

Photo Credit: Shannon Rosan

Photo Credit: Shannon Rosan

Before explaining how this space was transformed, it’s important to understand who Ashley is and how she developed such an innate sense for exceptional taste.

“I grew up in LA. My dad was an actor and hand model. My family is just not your typical 9 to 5 working type. Crazy ideas are the name of the game and they work for us! I’ve always been really independent, so I got 10 jobs and moved out.”

Having always had an interest in fashion, she went to college at Cal State Long Beach for fashion merchandising, later realizing, “I actually just like shopping for myself.” She moved to Yuba City in 2005 and map quested her way to the mall in Sacramento where she purchased new clothes for her Northern California experience. It was there that she started a business as a personal assistant called “My Personal Assistant.” She would go grocery shopping, run errands...anything her clients in Roseville needed. One of those people being the coach of the Sacramento Kings. After about a year, she then had a brilliant idea for another unique way to help people and make money while doing it (Do you notice a theme here?)

Photo Credit: Shannon Rosan

Photo Credit: Shannon Rosan

Ashley and her girl friend started a subscription based business called Hazel Lane, the idea being that each box would contain a collection of artisan items that represented the city they came from; such as San Francisco, Charleston, Austin, Hawaii and Brooklyn. They knew the concept was a success when they were approached by the Grammy and Oscars in 2016 to put together grab bags for the events. They were also featured in Forbes Top 10 Gifts for Travelers that year!

It got big and I had to work all the time. Then we interviewed for an accelerator program in Mountain View, CA and got chosen as one of the businesses for their next batch but you have to move there for 6 months and it’s a super intense program. I couldn’t move having Lane (Ashley’s son), so I basically just signed the business over to my partner. For what I like doing, there weren’t a lot of local options.

That life transition led to this beautiful space we sit together, accompanied by healthy hanging plants on the walls around us and wicker lounge furniture. Ashley began looking for homes under $350,000. She saw every available house in Chico in that price range, driving around neighborhoods and getting a feel for the potential of a place. Driving down this street, she was taken by it’s shady trees, older established homes and the “in a simpler time” feel it provided. But don’t be fooled. This house was notably unappealing. The now sparkling clean turquoise pool was so green Ashley didn’t know if it was functioning or “if there were dead bodies at the bottom. It was that green.” The home had mold, mice, termites, hammered floors and far from welcoming colored walls. It was so unattractive in fact, that when Ashley asked to see the house, her realtor said, “you don’t want to live there.” But of course, even through the 5 lazy boys and paint, she was able to see through the grime to the shiny surface beneath. The house just needed a little polish. Or a lot.

Photo Credit: Shannon Rosan

Photo Credit: Shannon Rosan

Picture sweltering Chico summers with temperatures reaching well over 100 degrees. Now imagine determined Ashley on her hands and knees refinishing the home’s old wood floors with 30 grit sandpaper. And no air conditioning. This wonder woman is one tough cookie! She taught herself every aspect of renovating a house using resources like YouTube, along with good old fashioned trial and error. Painting, tiling, floor and bathroom vanity refinishing, the projects were endless. Until one day, she looked around and realized the house was finally a home.

Styling the new space using thrift store treasures, revived furniture from Craigslist and yard sale scores, the Heirloom Fox House finally made its debut.

“I had to pay the mortgage, so I listed in on Airbnb, which wasn’t really a thing at that point. I truly had no idea if people would stay here or why. But I came up with a reasonable price point, listed it and somebody booked it.”

Photo Credit: Shannon Rosan

Photo Credit: Shannon Rosan

And they keep booking it! As of my most recent search, Ashley’s home has been booked over 500 nights and her 5-star rating has held strong since day one. Read for yourself some of the home’s rave reviews!

What an awesome host and house. The photos are great but the house exceeds expectations. Ashley was so good about communicating and being flexible. Would highly recommend to everyone. Bravo.” -Erich

“Ashley’s house first of all, is her house. Sometimes you stay in AirBnB’s and you can tell no one lives there, so special touches are missing...not the case here. Every detail is thought out and designed lovely. It’s hip, comfy and fun. Pool table, covered patio, pool, in-house bar, record player, guitars...rad. If I ever have a reason to return to Chico, it will be the only place I stay!! Thank you again!!” -Shannon

“Ashley’s home is a designers heaven! We had the best vacation at her beautiful home - the bedrooms are all really comfortable and the game room and pool area are stunning! We will definitely be back!” -Sarah

Photo Credit: Shannon Rosan

Photo Credit: Shannon Rosan

The positive affirmations go on and on. However, even with endless praise Ashley wants to keep things fresh. She’s always on the lookout for special pieces that can enhance a room or new ideas, like a plant wall she found on Pinterest and immediately worked to recreate.

So what’s next? Ashley recently renovated an Airstream for people like herself who wanted to cute camp and purchased an RV that will soon be available to rent for parties, weddings and events as a trendy lounge area. Know in advance, this home on wheels doesn’t conform to your typical idea of an RV. But that’s the idea! She also has been enjoying commercial design for businesses like Lulus.

Photo Credit: Joel Jauregui

Photo Credit: Joel Jauregui

Photo Credit: Caysee Davis

Photo Credit: Caysee Davis

There are so many more people that can enjoy it and I have more liberty to do creative things in a store because there isn’t an entire family that has to agree on it. I would also really like to help other people create their own Airbnb or rental property. You have to have ‘wow factors’ in the space you’re renting, so I love helping people achieve that. Someday I do want another property but I want it to really different, like the shell of an airliner or a fuselage.

This blog being a one-woman show, I am always on the lookout for fierce females who are making waves. Ashley DeKellis does that daily and the Heirloom Fox House, along with one of her other many transformations and projects, are a testament that beautiful things can come from passion, intention and 30 grit sandpaper!

Photo Credit: Caysee Davis

Photo Credit: Caysee Davis

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