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Dirty Bird Esthetics | Meet Meghan Vanderford

Dirty Bird Esthetics | Meet Meghan Vanderford

“Beauty is a complex concept. It is more than what we see with our eyes. It is a feeling and an energy. We want you to feel that energy and confidence when you leave Dirty Bird.”

Some women exude confidence. Others create it. Meghan Vanderford, owner of Dirty Bird Esthetics does both. From the plush carpet, happy plants and cheeky products for sale on the wood shelves — it is clear that you’ll be well cared for here.

Waxing, or any cosmetology for that matter, involves a special level of trust. As somebody who has experienced painful waxing that left my sensitive skin strawberry red and patched with itchy bumps, I wasn’t exactly excited to receive treatment. But as I made myself comfortable on the papered table, my nerves melted away as quickly as the wax.


Meghan floated around the salon, preparing her tools and chatting easily with me about how I liked living in Sacramento. While the pleasant smell of amber and hot wax drifted around the flamingo wallpapered room, I realized something surprising. My body felt excited — a notable contrast from the usual pre-wax jitters. Even as I felt the soft heat on my upper lip and firm strip application, there was not one second of unpleasantness. I strutted out of Dirty Bird into the heart of Downtown a plucked chick, feeling ready to conquer the world. Or at least, my date that night. 

From legs and nostrils, to armpits and bikini lines, Dirty Bird offers a full range of hair removal services. After struggling with her own skin, Meghan’s goal is for every client to leave her hands feeling beautiful and unstoppable.


Meghan and I were first introduced back in 2011 by my sister. They were both leads in the hit musical, Hairspray and even then, she had the innate ability to transform onstage and make a splash. Today, Meghan’s Instagram feed is full of demure professional captures and poised shots alike. Modeling comes as naturally as painlessly pulling out the tiny hairs on her clients.


Scrolling through Meghan or Dirty Bird’s feed (if you don’t follow them, you should!) you’ll notice a certain disdain for societal rules — for instance, not being too outspoken or risque in nature. It’s refreshing and powerful. Badass babes, am I right? When I asked Meghan where she gets her confidence, she reflects

I grew up fairly conservative. I went to Catholic school and wasn’t really taught about sex or sexuality. I learned a lot in college about people owning their sexualities and living for themselves. I decided to live for myself I guess…modesty just was not for me. I feel empowered by my own sensuality. It feels good to own it and not let men exploit it without my consent. It took many years of surrounding myself with people who love me and have made me feel brave. It’s friends who tell me ‘do what makes you happy and we will be cheering you on no matter what.’


Feminism looks different for every person but in essence is all about a woman’s right to choose how she wants to live her life. It’s about equality for all genders. Meghan doesn’t live her life by anyone’s standards but her own and for that, I am admirable.

There are “risque” photos of me on the internet but that doesn’t make me a bad person. That doesn’t make me not intelligent, not capable, or not professional. It shouldn’t matter and women can do whatever the fuck they want. I am a business owner. I am respected in my community and I refuse to let others judge me based on these things. I continue to show up and be unashamed. If people have a problem with it, then forget them and find people who don’t care. 

Much like a stark pink flamingo displaying itself on one strong leg for all the world to see, both Dirty Bird Esthetics and Meghan spark empowerment that can’t easily be taken away. 

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✦ Learn more about Dirty Bird and Meghan here

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