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A Weekend in Ventura County

A Weekend in Ventura County

Living in my new city has countless benefits but one of the more practical perks is that Sacramento International Airport is only a short 20 minute drive away. I knew before I moved that one of the first places I wanted to travel was Southern California to visit my cousins. They moved to Ventura County, specifically Oxnard, about a year ago. I’ve been watching Instagram Stories and posts of their sunny adventures on the coast with envy ever since. This weekend guide is ideal for those seeking a blissful mix of adventure and relaxation. 


If I could recommend one thing to do during your trip, it would be to go whale watching. Initially, I was slightly apprehensive about hopping aboard the Ranger 85 and slowly traveling miles from shore on the choppy Pacific Coast. However, any nerves drifted from my mind as quickly as the shoreline disappearing behind us. 


From the helm, our guide set expectations by sharing that due to the season, they hadn’t encountered a whale for quite some time. We would “definitely see dolphins” but he couldn’t guarantee any other sightings. Sure enough, as soon as we got far enough from the coast, a pod of Bottlenose Dolphins made their appearance. Jumping and playing in the wakes beside our boat, I’m not sure I have ever seen anything so mesmerizing.

Unlike at Six Flags or amusement parks where dolphins are trained to perform, these mammals were frolicking with such abandon that it brought tears to my eyes. I remember turning to my cousins and saying, “Saving the ocean is my new passion. Sign me up for the next beach clean up.” I was officially smitten with the beauty of the ocean and the expedition continued to exceed my expectations. 

Since we had been prepared that there was a good chance we wouldn’t see whales, it physically took my breath away when we did. From our perch at the front of the boat, we watched with unblinking eyes as a black bumpy back rose slowly to the surface, shooting out a brief breath of salty air into the cerulean sky. Over the course of our trip, we were lucky enough to see more whales - including a mother and baby duo swimming side by side. I left Channel Islands Whale Watching, slightly sea sick and definitely sea passionate.  


On my second to last day, it was decided that I needed to experience Ventura Pier - but not simply walk the boardwalk. Nope! We rented chopper bikes from Wheel Fun Rentals to cruise the coast in style. Forewarning, your quads and calves will definitely burn after an hour riding one of these, but seeing the sparkling waters while cycling under the palms is unforgettable.



Oxnard is home to one of the more prominent naval bases in California, which happens to be located right next to my cousin’s apartment on the harbor of Port Hueneme. Trumpets tooting the Star Spangled Banner were our alarm every morning — a very patriotic way to start the day! I stayed at their apartment that overlooks the harbor, however there are an abundance of AirBnbs, chain hotels, and quaint bed and breakfasts nearby. 

If you’re looking for that perfect mix of beach access and night life, with quiet afternoons ambling around town, I would recommend booking a room in Ventura. Additionally, sunny Malibu and Santa Barbara are only a short distance away and offer picturesque views of the sand. 



When in Southern California, eat tacos. And burritos. I tried multiple Mexican food spots but found a favorite at Pierpont Tacos in Ventura. With homemade salsas, close beach access, and complimentary guacamole sauce, it’s a must. Take your taco to-go and peruse the nearby neighborhoods for murals and vibrant botanicals. 



Any time I travel someplace new, I love to pop by the local farmers market if there is one, to see what type of produce is grown in that region. Experience idyllic waterside browsing at the Channel Islands Certified Farmers Market! Every Sunday, you can find more than 30 local florists, bakers, musicians, and farmers selling regional goods. 

The small town charm grows even more apparent if you chat with the people smiling warmly behind their booths. I asked a man and his daughter who sat at a bloom filled wooden table, with the sign “Lily’s Flowers” above their heads if I could take a photo. They spoke no English, yet with my amateur Spanish and their patience, we had one of the most memorable connections. The daughter smiled and laughed as I tried to remember how to say “flower” in Spanish (it’s flor), and plucked a perfect white daisy from a bouquet to give me as a parting gift. I couldn’t imagine anything sweeter. 

Before heading into the farmers market, stop by Honey Cup Coffee & Kitchen for organic brews, tempting treats, and sandwiches. “Honey Cup believes in the community and we want to see it grow. ” Support Silverstrand Beach by eating and drinking locally. You’ll be happy you did!


Overlooking the city of Ventura, another scenic adventure when you’re craving fresh air is Serra Cross Park. Pack a picnic and drive up the windy street to the top! Once you’re there, close your eyes and take a deep breath. It is instantly energizing and provided some peaceful power needed to continue adventuring.


Even though my vacation was short, it was packed to the brim with rich memories, flavor packed bites, and the sweet reminder to cherish family and new friends. I flew out of Hollywood Burbank Airport with stars in my eyes and a distinct briny beach smell still faintly in my hair.  

I love hearing from readers! What are your favorite places to visit in Southern California? 

From My View

From My View

One Word

One Word