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On The Sedona Rocks

On The Sedona Rocks


Flying over Arizona was an aerial preview of the magnificence that was to follow. Stepping foot off the plane and breathing in that first breath of Red Rock air was immediately healing.

Clicking “confirm” on the Southwest Airlines website was the first step of many towards accomplishing the resolutions I made in January - the first one being to travel solo to somewhere I’d never been. You may be wondering, why Sedona? Well, my uncle who I haven’t seen for many years lives there with his wife, so I had a free place to rest my head. But more than that, I was looking specifically for adventure. Somewhere that would push me out of my California comfort zone. That began immediately upon arrival.

I took a shuttle bus where I traveled with about 10 strangers from the Phoenix Airport, to Sedona. About halfway through our journey, we stopped at a Denny’s to pick up somebody who had recently booked a ride. A young man, about my age, got on the bus. He was wearing sunglasses and walking with a cane and I knew by the way he was getting oriented with his surroundings that he was blind. At one point, he reached behind his seat where I was sitting and touched my pant leg, I assume in an effort to figure out what exactly was around him. That made me realize, this person can’t see but he is still able and eager to experience adventure. I was determined to do the same.

Sedona is unlike many other tourist towns in that the quirky and eccentric are fully embraced. Although I didn’t experience any vortexes or alien encounters (sadly) there was clearly something mystical and magical in the red rock air. I happened to come to Arizona after a rare snow storm, so the peaks notorious for their striking views were made all the more beautiful with white capped tops.


High up on my list of “must sees” was the Chapel of the Holy Cross. I had seen many pictures in research, but this is one of those places you truly have to experience in person. The church was inspired and commissioned by Marguerite Staude and was built directly into the perch of a rock structure. She had initially planned to construct in Budapest, Hungary with the help of Lloyd Wright, son of famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright. However, due to civil unrest in that country, it was decided that her native land of Sedona would be an ideal location. August Strotz was the chosen architect and construction of the chapel was completed in 1956. Over 63 years old, this church has an exceptionally fresh, modern take on design that truly speaks to the genius of its originators.


If you’re planning a trip, I would highly recommend a day trip to Jerome - a small copper-mining town filled with history. Lunch at The Haunted Hamburger provided postcard worthy views and the memory of an incredible burger that does, in fact, follow me to this day. Look upward and you’ll see a mirrored view of the restaurant, complete with tables and chairs nailed to the ceiling. It all somehow fits perfectly with the landscape you’ll find outside. Walking through the windy streets, you could easily imagine a time when they were filled with gun-slinging cowboys and iconic wild west saloons. Jerome is quiet now but the legacy of it’s history rides on.


Head to Uptown Sedona and you’ll find a more classic retail experience - albeit one surrounded by iconic dusty red mountains - with boutiques and restaurants. One of my favorite stops was the Red Rock Apothecary. Picture Lush style homemade soaps, in a local setting. I walked away with a bar of energizing lemongrass soap for my sister and a desert rose bath bomb for myself. For all my coffee lovers, I recommend Oak Creek Espresso for that much needed energy boost. Their beans are roasted in-house, making for a deliciously fresh experience. They also offer a variety of baked goodies. I chose a gluten-free lemon donut, and wow. Amazing.

On my final day, it was decided that we would spend the day exploring Flagstaff and visit my aunt who works at Northern Arizona University. I had actually driven through Flagstaff six years prior when I was working for the summer at a nearby Young Life camp but never had the opportunity to explore the city. Similar to my hometown, Flagstaff boasts a variety of hip coffee shops, restaurants and boutiques. After hearing I was visiting from California, one shop owner offered me a glass of wine to enjoy while I shopped. It was only 10am, so I didn’t take her up on the offer but was shocked by the kind gesture. It was the perfect way to start a full morning of exploring.

Although I’m a novice hiker, simply walking or driving through Red Rock Canyon is epic. My aunt guided me on a driving tour the hour I arrived, starting in the Village of Oak Creek south of Sedona. From there, you can see Bell Rock and Courthouse Butte. The next afternoon, I stood in the majestic shadows of the most photographed formation - Cathedral Rock.

Even if you’re not an experienced hiker, there is plenty of adventure to be had if you get out there and find it. During my five day visit to Arizona, that was my constant mantra. Get out there and search for what will fill your soul! What follows might surprised you.


Note: The second resolution on my list was to start this blog. Be it magic, natures powerful elements, or something greater than all of those - Arizona was just what I needed.

Have you been to Sedona? What was on your to-do list?

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